
1. 對待每一運動員為獨立個體,幫助運動員發揮其天份

2. 提倡公平競賽,尊重他人及接受其體育項目所釐定之規則條文及精神

3. 充實有關教練的新知識,提高個人水平

4. 確保運動員有一個安全的訓練及比賽環境,運動器材及設施達安全標準

5. 確保訓練及比賽符合運動員的年齡及體能

6. 讓運動員明白運動的益處,並鼓勵終身參與運動

7. 避免過度訓練運動員,並維持運動員的興趣及提升他們對體育的熱愛

8. 以身作則,不可粗言穢語

9. 避免作出騷擾及歧視行為,包括性騷擾,種族及傷殘歧視

10. 遵守所有運動禁藥管制規條

(部份資料來源: 香港教練培訓委員會之教練守則)

Conduct of Judges:
Once the judging panel is seated, the Judges Secretary will remind the judges of the rules of conduct,
said rules which must be strictly followed throughout the Prejudging and Finals. Under penalty of
immediate dismissal from the judging panel, no judge will:
1. Converse with any other judge, or judges;
2. Attempt to influence the decisions of any other judge, or judges;
3. Communicating by mobile phone – either voice or SMS;
4. Take photographs or video filming while the judging is in progress;
5. Coach any competitor(s); or
6. Judge while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or consume alcoholic beverages while