Part-time Physiotherapist 兼職物理治療師
Job description 工作職責
- 為本會運動員提供專業的評估及復康治療服務
Provide professional physiotherapy assessment and treatment to the athletes of HKCBBA
- 為本會運動員及員工提供復康治療教育知識及訓練
Provide physiotherapy and health education and training to the staffs and athletes of HKCBBA
- 執行相關的行政工作
Perform administrative duties
Job requirements 要求資歷
- 具認可之物理治療學位、為物理治療管理委員會註冊物理治療師及持有效執業證明書
University graduate in Physiotherapy; Holder of Certificate of Registration with valid practising certificate issued by the Physiotherapists Board of Hong Kong
- 香港中學文憑試5科達第2級或以上,包括中、英文科,或持有同等學歷
Met the language proficiency requirements of “Level 2” or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or equivalent
Other Details 職位詳情
- 辦公時間:每週工作1天至2天, 2-3小時
Working hours: 1-2 working days per week, 2-3 hours per day
Remark 備註
- 求職者以電郵info@hkcbba.org履歷給中國香港健美總會
Apply by e-mail with full resume to Hong Kong China Bodybuilding and Fitness Association via e-mail