得獎者名單( 排名不分先後 )
Fung Kai Hong | 馮啟匡 |
Kwok Hoi Kam | 郭凱琹 |
Leung Chi Ho | 梁志豪 |
Lin Wai Yee | 連韋貽 |
Ma Suet Yi | 馬雪宜 |
Quach Ho Wai | 郭晧為 |
Shum Matthew | 沈君澤 |
Tse Wang Put | 謝宏勃 |
Tsoi Wing Yan | 蔡穎欣 |
Wong Wang Sum | 黃宏森 |
宗旨及目的 Objective & Aims
The HKCBBA is a non-profit making association. Our objective is to promote the sport of bodybuilding and maintain a high quality of fitness coach training course. In order to enhance the awareness of Hong Kong fitness coaches, we are going to hold the Outstanding Fitness Coach Awards to recognize their contribution in Hong Kong. (This event is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Coach Education Programme.)
頒獎典禮日期Awards Presentation: 2019年11月17日(星期日) 17 Nov 2019 (Sunday)
地點Venue: 屯門新咖啡灣 Tuen Mun Cafeteria New Beach
選舉細則Criteria of nomination:
被提名的教練必須包括以下條件 Information for nominate:
- 具備中國香港健美總會認可的健身相關教練證書Nominee must have a valid bodybuilding & fitness Coach Certificate recognized by the HKCBBA;
- 現職健身教練 / 教學相關之工作,對健身發展有傑出貢獻並服務兩年或以上Nominee must be a present Fitness Coach/ Teacher of related work and have an outstanding contribution in fitness field for two or more years ;
- 具備健身教練應有的專業態度及操守Nominee must have a professional attitude and code of conduct ;
- 具有健身專業知識 Nominee must have a professional knowledge in physical fitness;
- 獎項必須由在職團體提名,例如健身中心、會所、體育會、學校、體育總會等等 (有關團體必須持有社團註冊)。The award should be nominated by present organization. E.g. Fitness Centre, Club House, Sport Association, School, NSA, etc. (organization must be registered)
- 以往未曾獲本會頒發傑出教練之人士 Nominee did not win the Thanks Coach Awards from the HKCBBA before.
評審委員會: 評審委員會由中國香港健美總會執委會成員、香港隊教練團及個別獨立人士組成。
Evaluation committee: Evaluation committee is formed by HKCBBA Executive committee members, Hong Kong Team Coaches, & independent representatives.
Deadline for nomination: 14 Oct 2019 (Please download the Nomination form from our website and mail to our office after completed)
This event is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Coach Education Programme